Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Brighter than the sun.

December love. 

2012 is just ahead of us, it is time for me to do the final post of the year soon, again. Have been doing a collage at the end of each year since 3 years ago I think? But I haven't got to this year's yet, reason - no time :( As lazy as it sounds, I really haven't been able to find 2-3 hours to sit down in front of the comp, filter through one whole year's worth of pictures and create the collage. But soon soon, I'll get it done and posted before we greet 2011 goodbye! :)

OTC is over! And I really enjoyed the camp a lot. Although this time I'm no longer out there rahrah-ing with fellow GLs most of the time, but still, I have had my own share of fun and laughter with the subcomms and maincomms. I survived the 4-days camp with just 5 hours of sleep in total! Yes, in total, and not 5 hours per day. *beams* Okay, maybe it's nothing to be proud of hahaha. But the hours that I stay awake = precious time spent with fellow friends. Anyway, it is my last OTC! Mixed feelings. As each remaining SU event draws closer, it simply reminds me that we're inching towards Graduation. I feel pretty $%&#@! sometimes when I think about life after TP. $%&#@! because I have no exact word to fit in that sentence. All the memories, friends, experiences, lessons etc are things that are extremely precious! It feels different to walk in school now, especially at the Triangular Garden towards SDC. It feels like it's a walk down memory lane kinda thing! Especially since that route leads to the Students' Lounge for me, which I'm proud to say - my second home.

And ooooh speaking of which, I brought mummy to Lounge on Saturday! The feeling was strangely heart-warming. To bring my mum to somewhere that I'm so proud of; somewhere that I've spent almost 2 years of my TP life at, somewhere that I've slogged my guts out together with 12 other friends who eventually become my family in school, somewhere so close to heart. I was so excited! Wanted to literally introduce every single thing we had in lounge, wanted to let her see the meeting room where each of us sits according to position, wanted to show her our mini pantry, our workspace, our storeroom, our counter, the SU Plaque mounted at the entrance of lounge, the facilities and games etc, everythinggggg. If I was to exaggerate further, I would say that I could feel myself literally glowing when I was showing my mum around. Allow me to go into self-praise mode for once, *screams* but I really felt damn proud of myself that day. Not sure if anyone can understand this feeling but I'm pretty sure the maincomms do :)

Would like to urge all to really enjoy everyyyyy single moment you have in TP. In fact - not only enjoy, but to cherish as well :) Live your TP life to the fullest!

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Step by step


17 December was awesome! OTC Subcomm Workshop :) Spent 14 hours in school but really felt that everything was worth it, all the running around, preparation etc. Carried out by the 7 people you see above, heh heh. At the end of the day, we were all reeeeaaally tired, but I know we enjoyed ourselves a lot, just like the subcomm members. Tired's an understatement!

When I started being in SU as a subcomm in year 1 and so on, I never really imagined myself being part of otc/fo's sub-committee department (foodmin, log, prog), never. When I think about it sometimes, I really amaze myself by things that I thought I'd never do/carry out/become/think of etc. Being in Logistics really opened my eyes to a different side of the camp scene. We always think that logistics = saikang warrior. But seriously, there's so much more than what meets the eye. Being with the loggers and doing all these log preparations for these recent months, I have come to a conclusion that the subcomm departments are like the base of a pyramid. I have learnt so much from the experienced loggers, and learnt so much from the process of preparations! I am really awed by the level of dedication and commitment they have towards Logistics. The kind of experience and knowledge that they have about Log; are things that I feel are really valuable and fantastic! Am so glad that the loggers are such a fun bunch of people to be with! Will never ever be able to experience all this and gain all these insights if I didn't step into the department. I'd never realize how tough their jobs are and how much it actually takes for one to be a logger! The sense of accomplishment at the end of the day is really (Y). I have never done so much preparation and got soooo busy before the start of a camp before. As a GL and then an FA, all I did was like just "wait" for the camp to arrive and then all the action will take place during the three days.

This year, something else besides logistics department made the camp even more exciting and awesome for me - FLP (FoodLogProg)! The 7 of us are totally enjoying this FLP feeeel! :) I think it's really cool that the FLP heads are close. Am glad I have them around!

Haven't had so much fun and yet felt so tired in a long while already! :)

Am so ready to hibernate and repay some sleep debts, making 'full' use of the Sunday morning.

Sunday, December 04, 2011

Everything has beauty.


It's December, the last month of the year - 2012 is just around the corner.

Maybe it's just me, but I feel that December is a month that kinda brings you on some emotional ride, up and down. Besides the festive occasion, the celebration, the count-down, the gatherings, the joy of giving and receiving etc, there's also the point of time when you take some time out, alone, and think about the past 11 months, reflect and ponder upon all the happenings and events. I like to think about things (a good and bad trait), and I definitely like to think about what the future has in hold for me, what is going on currently, as well as what has gone by.

I think December is a month of realization. As we look back, we see the changes we've been through, the changes we see in people and situations, the decisions we made and the outcomes that they lead to. It's a month where we, like farmers, reap what we sow. While some of us look forward to the beginning of a new year, I reckon there are others who wish that they could go back to months ago and relive some moments. For me, I kinda belong to the middle portion in a sense cos I am looking forward to a new year, but however, I would want to travel back in time too (not that it's possible, but just sayinggg). It's been a wonderful year nonetheless and again, I have grown as an individual; a little more than the last perhaps. Looking ahead, I see big events; d&d, fow/c, week 0 and sadly, graduation. I don't think I have dreaded graduation this much before honestly. Back then thinking about AHS times, I was very much looking forward to poly life and all. This goes to show how much TP has played a part in my life, or more specifically - TPSU. It has changed my student life drastically, I have learnt and experienced so much! ♥

I take pride in my work, I think I am close to being a perfectionist, we all only want the best for the Union, Union is practically in my mind the whole day ;) Hm. I'm the kind of person who will rather do things on your behalf if I see that you're not putting your heart and soul into it, because the work produced will only be a work that's completed half-heartedly and probably out of obligations :c Maybe I won't bother explaining how tired I am, because I'd rather divert that "frustration" into productive and positive energy. To me, one should be accountable for your actions. And actions speak louder than words. I know it's bad to keep those negative energy to myself and that I should let things be known. Sometimes, I get so exhausted but then again, at the end of the day, I know it's all going to be worth it!! :) Oh man :( Really sorry I'm like starting to rant. Some people still don't truly understand why we're putting ourselves through all these, but I know they'll never get it because they'll never experience what we're going through. :)

"When something bad happens, you have three choices. You can either let it define you, let it destroy you, or you can let it strengthen you."