Like the wind.
Yr 1, 2 & 3 (TP) Long, medium, short.
Looking back, I came to realize that my hair was really long!! :( Am missing my longgg hair now, a little. And come to think of it, three different lengths/style for my three years in TP (Y). Next year? Pixie cut? Hahaha just kidding, I don't think I'm that bold to try the pixie cut look yet.
In year 1 of TP and for the past years, I never imagined myself with short hair. I just couldn't bear to snip my hair off. Each time I went to my hairdresser every once in a few months, it was always the same instructions "just trim 1-2 inch max". It was never "I want to cut my hair till mid length", never. Till last year after I entered comm. I never dreamed of having short hair either, till last week. Told my hairdresser " I want to cut it short". And here I am. No more pony tail! Tried to tie one, but failed.
Had people asking me things like "What was in your mind!?" "What happened!!" "Why?!" "What made you do that?" when I appeared with my new length. "Very short leehhhh". Hahaha, yes I agree too. It is definitely short to me. The last time I had hair of this length, lemme think, kindergarten? According to photographs, yes - it was kindergarten. From then, I never had short hair. All the way till last year, 13 yearrrrrs. I don't know why either, but I just felt like trying out something new before I get too old to experiment new lengths, I guess?
It's been long since I updated. Terribly ashamed of how much effort I am putting in to this blog. I can scroll down a little more and even see the first few blog posts of this new AY!!! It's not that I don't think that much anymore, neither is it because I don't have the interest in writing anymore. I still love writing :) It's just that as I grow older, I come to realize that maybe your own thoughts should just be kept to yourself sometimes. I understand a blog is a space for individuals to pen down their thoughts, share their feelings, express their emotions and record down different life events. But it's just like Twitter. Sometimes we feel like tweeting something personal, yet we end up hitting the backspace or delete button, or simply closing the tab. Why? Because; we're not sure of how to respond when people question our tweet or when people ask you about it? Do we respond accordingly and share the truth? Or do we just try to brush it off and hope that our friends forget about seeing the tweet? Or maybe it's because we want to empty our hearts out so badly but yet we're not sure if it's a good idea to pour everything out via the internet. Can think of so many reasons of why people don't fully express themselves via platforms like Blogs, Twitter etc anymore. I am one of them, heh heh heh :)
I used to be an avid blogger back in secondary school days - i blog about every single little tiny weeny thing HAHA. But as I came into Poly, things kind of changed. And when I became an exco in year 2, things changed even more. I know I changed in this aspect because I became more sensitive about and towards things. I know I don't crap and joke and say retarded things and ask stupid questions and blurt out nonsensical funny stuff as much as before. I became a little more, serious (?). Do I miss the old me? Do I resent this change? Thinking about it, I'd say that this is part of growing up and experiencing (and going through) changes. It's part of discovering who I am and finding out more about myself.
Am still just ordinarily me c: I still enjoy simple pleasures in life (erhem cheap thrills), enjoy my friends and closed ones' company, love to chit chat and HTHT, love to daydream and stone, love to read and listen to music, love going crazy with girlfriends doing things that we love, love to watch drama serials/variety shows and laugh till I cry or end up being touched by the scenes till I also end up crying, love people-watching, love traveling, love writing, love photography. Am still contented with life albeit all the ups and downs :)
Only when we change and grow, we'll see a world we never know.