Like the morning light,
“Life sometimes gets so bogged down in the details, you forget you are living it. There is always another appointment to be met, another bill to pay, another symptom presenting, another uneventful day to be notched onto the wooden wall. We have synchronized our watches, studied our calendars, existed in minutes, and completely forgotten to step back and see what we've accomplished.”
― Jodi Picoult, My Sister's Keeper
Recently, time seems to be passing doubly fast. From time to time, the fact that I'm in my final year and almost in my final term hits me and I'll just stone for a while. Then I think about my school life in TP, it's been an amazing one; no wonder they always say that time flies by when you're having fun. You know there's always this moment when you enter your thinking mode? You just think about things, all kinds of things as well as people. Good or bad, happy or sad. And when people ask you what you're thinking of, you just can't seem to find the exact answer for that question. Simply cos you're thinking about almost everything you can remember at that moment. Some people like long bus rides, others perhaps prefer staring into space, people-watching, day-dreaming, blasting music, reading or even penning their thoughts down. The kind of thing that people do to trigger their thoughts, many.
I've come to better understand myself this year, I think. Or maybe this happens to everyone as they age another year.
But then, sometimes I reach a stage where I think that many are just furthering their studies because of societal expectations or norms, perhaps? behavioral treatments? I don't know. Okay and of course, we all know that education brings us a better life in the future. So how many of us are actually pursuing a field of study that we actually like? Okay, maybe we do like it now. But then again, how many of us are actually pursuing a field of study that we actually see ourselves in that particular industry 20 years down the road? I'm in the school of Humanities and Social Sciences. I am not sure if I can see myself doing social research and stuff like that for years. Was talking to a close friend and she mentioned that when we're young, we tend to want to do things that we like and we feel that as long as we like what we're doing, it's good. But then there will be a point of time when you will scrape that thought and just go for something that brings you good money.
I have no idea where I'm heading towards actually :/ Sometimes, it's funny - when we are given different paths, we whine about being spoilt for choice. And yet when we are only directed on one path, we whine that we have no choice. Hahaha, go figure :)
OH AND I BOUGHT LIKE 4-5 NEW BOOKS ^^ HAPPY ME. Tony Parsons, Jodi Picoult, Audrey Niffengger, Mitch Albom. Say Hello to Miss Bookworm, she's finally back! :)