Good Friday today! :) Feels like a Saturday to me cos my sister, together with the BIL, Preston & maid, are staying over at my place! PRESTON FTW ^^ He's so cuteeee, but I kinda really miss the few-months old Preston. He was seriously like a BALL at that time, SUPER ROUND AND NOTHING ELSE BUT ROUND. Cannot see his neck at all! And his limbs were like lotus roots. Heheh, super duper cute! ^^ Now he's at the stage of talking non-stop (almost) and running/hopping around whenever he can, hahaha! Oh, and not forgetting his extremely amusing sound effects!
Anyway, am here to post bout the Taiwan trip - day 1 & 2! :)
That's basically it, for our first day! Day 1 was spent in XiMenDing cos we only checked-in at around 4+/5pm! So we didn't want to waste any time traveling to other places! And XiMenDing's awesomeeee, all the shopping and food! :)
Ended day 2 by going back to XMD again, bought facial masks! ^^ It was a good day though our legs were really tired!
Day 3 coming up, soon! :)
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