Back from camp (II) ! :)
Lots of fun! I think the excos can start a joke book. During these two days, so many funny incidents occurred (vunvoong contributing half of them, of course) and I laughed till my stomach ached, accompanied with jelly legs. And my most adorable comm members said I was like, drunk just now. Tried explaining that I was just super happy that the camp had come to an end and that they were all so cute I couldn't stop smiling but they did not buy it >:/
Anywayyyyy. We celebrated jingkai's birthday!
Presented to him a pandan cake with a candle! Haha, JK took the pandan cake as his real birthday cake. But we love him too much to just give him a pandan cake for his birthday so we removed the candle and,
placed it on his real birthday cake before bringing it into the room :D His expression was PRICELESS when some of the members appeared with another cake! PRICELESSSSS. While he was about to make his (second) wish, they tried to scare him by asking some of us to prepare and have the third cake on standby. Hahaha, but nope, that was it. Just two cakes :)
♥ ♥ ♥
(not in picture: Evan, Bernita, Izzad & Asmine)
Eeping, justin, ivy, jingkai, dillon! :)
Day 2; we were all a little reluctant to wake up. Thank goodness Vunvoong's alarm did not go off or we'll kill him. His alarm tone is seriously the most irritating one I've ever come across ;( Bad experience, we all got woken up by it during LTC. We heard it, but we're too lazy to actually get our hands on his phone and turn off the alarm. So it goes into snooze, and after 9 minutes, it starts again. Eventually all of us got woken up by his alarm, except vunvoong himself! >:/ So this time, we became smarter heh, warned him before we slept. No annoying alarm tone or he'll be dead.
2pm, CAMP ENDED! Packed, left the sports complex and headed to lounge. Started to rain reaaally heavily and it was the most perfect weather to sleep. Had lunch with the excos then we just slept in lounge! :) Had a good 3-4hr nap! It is the best thing for excos to do after any camp ends :D
K, I'm starting to get sleeeeeeeepy.
My sleeeeeeep! ♥
Photographs courtesy to Justin, since it's his camera. Thankkkkkyewwwwww 皇上!
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