The Original vs Imitation
"We are what we are; we gain nothing by copying others"
I haven't blogged about the Zoo trip with Holqa, Clare's Birthday celebration and MS Mid-autumn festival, not yet.
Met Cryystal today to settle some stuff, and we completed everything we had to do - fantastic!
Sat down at Frolick to do everything, and we were guilty for a few moments cos a rather large group of students came in and we were afraid of hogging the seats. But thank goodness there was an exact amount of chairs available for them!
Can't wait for school to start! Holidays have been splendid, but my mind's going to rot if the holidays drag on for another few weeks.
I dont think I ever wanted school to start when we're having holidays back in AHS. I wanted the holidays to be endless, and for time to just stop. Secondary school was one of the best and worst times of my life. Yes, both best and worst :) Okay on second thoughts, maybe not exactly worst!! I take back my words. But there were indeed times back in AHS when I was so sick and tired of certain things.
Hm, I could go on and on ranting about some things about AHS, but haha I want this post to be short.
K off to watch TV! :)
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