A new year x endless possibilities
"Cheers to a new year, and another chance for us to get it right", Oprah Winfrey.
2012 is history now, hello 2013! :>
Spent NYE x the first few hours of 2013 with the legendary bunch of choral peeps :p It was really good talking about old times, testing each other's memory about the past, reviewing our history and past activities in AHS Choir, our Malaysia and Europe trips, fund-raising events and about a certain teacher we would always want to run away from, heheh. I love how comfortable we are with one another, coming to a conclusion that we can be classified as 老朋友s (old friends) now :') 8 years of friendship already! We've been through so much together; seen each other's most cui moments, cried together, supported and stood up for one another, laugh at all our retarded jokes etc :p
Am so thankful AHSChoir brought us together, so thankful that we're from the same batch that came together, getting closer and closer as time passes. Choral music's something that we all have so much passion and love for, I'd never forget how I'd get goosebumps every time the 4 sections we belong in come to perfect harmony. Neither will I forget how hard we fought for all the glory and pride in competitions whether locally or overseas, for the school, for the choir, for our teachers-in-charge, for our conductor and for ourselves :) Our voices were our instrument, and thinking back - we'd even avoided fried and spicy food just to protect this precious instrument so that we'd be in perfect condition for performances/competitions!! All the memories, :) A few of us have left the choral scene after leaving AHS but it's definitely something that we still hold close to heart.
Anyway, countdown! :>
60%! Missing Cheryl, Chuinch, Kaho and Jem!
A final group shot before the countdown begins!! :)
Second day of the new year today! :> Am going to be diligent and do some early spring cleaning for my horrendously messy room!
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