Uncanny Similarities.
I'm probably going to start regretting everything that I'm doing right now at this hour in about 12 hours time. I should be sleeping, but I'm not. I could have slept for 5 hours, but here I am now sacrificing my sleep. I know it's gonna be a long day tomorrow cos there's OTC meeting after SIP and I am totally trying to challenge myself by depriving myself of sleep. Have no idea why but I just feel like typing :) Strange.
Didn't go to work today cos am not well, and boss is not well too! (I secretly wish she'd send me a text to tell me to work from home tomorrow too, cos i'm reaaaally sick and tired but I dont wanna take MC) So spent the day settling some union stuff, rushed to school for an interview w some CCD people followed by *screams* D&D meeting! It's like something that I've been waiting for since a long time ago!! Happiest day of the week, i think. Sent clarebaby off after that! TAKE CARE THERE BABE ♥ ! SEE YOU WHEN YOU'RE BACK! :)
Have you ever asked yourself why you're doing whatever you're doing now? And how often is the answer, "Because I'm expected to" ? So what would you do if you wake up tomorrow morning and are entitled to do anything that you want? So why aren't we doing what we want to do or would love to do? Man. I must stop having these kind of whatever-you-categorise-them-under thoughts.
But anyway, a shout-out to Crystal and Nianqi; thanks for being so understanding and caring. It really is heartwarming to know that people do feel,understand and know how you're feeling and how much you've put in :) And Dom! And Grace! And Fionn! And HeeHeeHee (LIM YI JIE)! And a few more people out there! ^^ There was a short period of time when I actually started to doubt something which I believe in - "sincerity moves people". But thank goodness for friends! Me is blessed to have really nice friends around, it may not be a huge ass number, but am contented ^^
Should I get iPhone 4s? I think i should right. My phone is so cui already. But I really like the 3Gs :( And the news woke me up today, Straits Time iPhone app had a notification announcing SteveJobs' death, and for a few seconds I couldn't believe what I was reading! Big news. Everyone was tweeting about it, news was practically all over.
Been listening to quite a lot of songs by CNBlue recently, gosh they're kinda cuteeeee.
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