when hopes get dashed
It's 6th December, just 4 more days to so-called Term Break.
It isn't really a term break, I've got assignments/projects to complete before OTC and my long-awaited for vacation. Technically speaking, I've got around 3 or 4 days to complete every single thing that I'm supposed to complete. Sister might be bringing her HP mini netbook, but I don't think I want to do work there. So I must really push myself to complete things within 3 days or so when "term break" arrives.
This Christmas, I won't be able to send greetings to my friends via texts like what I do every year cos I'll be away. Kind of upsetting! :( So i'm kinda hoping that she'll bring her netbook, at least there's still hope of connecting to friends while I'm there.
And speaking of friends, I really want to meet MS, so so so badly :(
Oh well, this Christmas is really going to be so different from all the previous years.
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